This site is to showcase my new obsession of skinning applications.
Not sure if support or here is correct forum
Published on December 8, 2004 By NetBadger In OS Customization
I certainly realize there are a lot of bugs to iron out with the new system site. My question is either not understanding the new system here, or maybe just a heads up to those in the bug squashing brigade.

I received an e-mail saying my Wallpaper collection had been approved and was available at:

I followed the link and saw my upload, but it doesn't show up under "my skins"?? It also shows up under a normal browse of the Wallpaper category and links correctly to my profile. Are wallpapers not shown in a person's list of uploads, or is there a long delay in new uploads showing up. I got the approval e-mail about 18 hours ago.

Part two of my question is about a bootskin that was approved and up for about a week. It had a middle of the road rating of 5, and was also part of my Corporate Marble collection. It had respectable download numbers, but all of a sudden it isn't in my list of "my skins". It is also missing from the category of bootskins. I see numerous bootskins out there with lower ratings, and wonder if the new system dropped the item, or the operaters of WC deleted it, or in a moment of amnesia I accidentaly deleted it? Should I try to upload it again? It used to be at:

On an off topic, is anybody finding this new site/application slower than the old one at times? I'm on a 3megabit download/768k upload DSL connection.

Thanks for any insights into this twilight zone episode.

on Dec 09, 2004
I recently had the same issue with a wallpaper. After the second day it showed up in my skins.

Cant even guess what happened to the bootskin.

Site is a bit slow. LOL