This site is to showcase my new obsession of skinning applications.
and a section for Vista Themes
Published on April 11, 2006 By NetBadger In OS Customization
I was wondering what the effect of Vista having the inherent visual styles capability is going to have on the WindowBlinds product. Also I was wondering if there are plans in place to have a section dedicated to these Vista "skins".
on Apr 11, 2006

I was wondering what the effect of Vista having the inherent visual styles capability is going to have on the WindowBlinds product

XP has 'inherent visual styles capacity' too, you know....

on Apr 11, 2006
Ah yes, the ability to choose a color scheme and change your wallpaper. How foolish of me to forget. I think I need another cup of coffee!

on Apr 11, 2006
Errr, no. MsStyles format is the current skinning engine in XP which is hosted by the Theming service. It has about the same capabilities of Windowblinds 4 (1st release), just not as free form.

Sarcasm when you don't know what you are on about, good call!
on Apr 11, 2006
I suppose it'll be the same as when XP came out. The OS got some theming capabilities and WindowBlinds takes it even further.
on Apr 11, 2006
Setpimus, I was just trying to be funny, not so much sarcastic. I am familiar with XP themes, and collected a number of them. My point was that MS Styles aren't a whole lot more than changing the color theme and wallpaper. I know... a few icons and cursors can be changed too.

I guess the wider question that I hoped might arise, is that with a more robust visual styles capability in Vista does the general public become addicted to changing the overall look of their OS, like many of us addicts here at WC? (How's that for a run-on sentence:))

The second part of that is with the skill set of the skinners here at WC, they are poised to start creating quality Vista themes ahead of the general market. As with Asus, Terminator 3, and Alienware wanting official "skins", will there be a larger commercial market, since the capability is built into the new operating system. Wouldn't it be easy to imagine Coca-cola wanting a Vista skin with their colors, logos, and the polar bears. Or Budwieser wanting a skin with the frogs, and let's not forget the Gieco gekko. It just seems there is a lot of potential with a much wider user base out there.

I didn't mean to introduce so many questions in a single thread, but maybe it will expand the scope of the discussion.

on Apr 11, 2006

My point was that MS Styles aren't a whole lot more than changing the color theme and wallpaper.

Again, your 'point' was erroneous.

If you shutdown the themeing service in XP you'll end up with 'classic' or in other words the Windows 98 'look'.  That 'default' XP appearance [Luna] is actual skinning, and quite a bit more than a wallpaper or a colour, but, as mentioned elsewhere, its capabilities are still somewhat less than what Windowblinds can do, hence the latter's popularity...

on Apr 11, 2006
So what do you guys think colud be expanded upon? 98 got WinXP style skins. WinXP got Vista style skins. What could come next after transparacy? I keep thinking 3D .

I have always wanted an effect to "turn" things to reveal other skins or pages. Like a WinFX effect to turn a window to the next one in the taskbar, in real time 3D.

Or load up 3 or 4 constantly used WB skins and have a button to rotate the taskbar between a few skins .

Vista will be fun for skinners !
on Apr 11, 2006
(How's that for a run-on sentence:))

A spot of e.e cummings?