This site is to showcase my new obsession of skinning applications.
feedback for the developers
Published on January 19, 2006 By NetBadger In New Releases
For those of you who didn't spot it, there is a new "Desktop Pet" that is available in the WinCustomize store for $9.95. It looks a lot like a Mogwai to me. In fact I'm worried about feeding it after midnight (local time). It is along the lines of the pet dogz and catz program, but it doesn't take up near the resources. It usually takes about 2% to 4% of my resources. The sounds can get to you after a while. Especially when it is playing with the ball, but you have a mute button, so all is fine in the end. One technical thing I ran into was the little bugger and all of its stuff vanishing. I could still hear hear it, but couldn't see it. The solution was running Object Desktop.

I thought it might be nice to give the developers some feedback, since this is version 1.0.

My suggestion to start this off, would be that you need to be able to name your Mogwai. Who has a pet that they don't name!

on Jan 20, 2006
One technical thing I ran into was the little bugger and all of its stuff vanishing. I could still hear hear it, but couldn't see it

I also had that problem...advice I was given was to unload IconX and Desktop Pet, then load DesktopX first, then Desktop Pet, then worked for me. He stays on screen okay since following that procedure.

on Jan 28, 2006
Another thing that would be nice.... Is for the program to remember where you put all the items, or have the ability to "save layout". Once you move the bed, cheese maker, toilet and everything to where you want it, everything goes back to the default layout when you reboot.
on Jan 28, 2006
I started a similar post over here: Link

The objects being reset when yyou restart is a issuse with the DX framework. Maybe in a future build . .

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central