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Bush's zero tolerance policy
Published on September 1, 2005 By NetBadger In US Domestic
I haven't posted any political blogs to this point, even though I feel strongly about what is going on. I don't think this administration really believes in free speech. If you critisize policies, the administration, or the actions of this government, you are branded as un-american and probably end up on some government watch list. This being said, I saw something on CNN today that made me so angry I couldn't keep quiet any more.

I am watching scenes of the people gathered around the Superdome, where people were told to go. There are people dying there with no help from our government. An old woman in a wheelchair dead with a blanket drapped over her, a man going into a seziure and dying, a baby unconcious in her mother's arms dying of thirst. Now I'm hearing about many dead bodies inside the Superdome. The fact that this is happening in America is hard to believe. This is where they were told to go and now the government is just letting them die.

I've heard Bush's "zero tolerance" policy. I've heard cabinet level people say there is no reason for any looting. They quote how much water and food is being sent to New Orleans, but the fact is it isn't getting to the people who need it. The statement was made, "There are ways to do things, and looting isn't one of them." Let me ask you the reader, if you or your family had not eaten for two or three days, the government has given you no help, would you go in and steal water and food? This is a matter of survival.

Of course there are the idiots taking TVs, jewelry, and abusing the situation. I don't think they'll by eating or drinking what they stole, but who knows they may be able to trade for things to keep them alive. I read about a bank president who was in a hotel with no food or water. He admitted to going into a convenience store and taking food and drinks. He said I would have been glad to pay for it, but no one was there to pay. He said I hadn't eaten for two days and it was a matter of staying alive. Under this government's no tolerance policy, he is a criminal. There are no exceptions.

In this sort of catastrophe, who cares about material things. Thousands upon thousands of people are just trying to stay alive. The idiots who are shooting at rescue workers should be shot on sight. But worrying about looters should be the last priority of the authorities in New Orleans.

It would be nice to belive that everybody would just work together for the greater good. But when it comes to keeping your family alive, any normal human would do almost anything to get them what they need to survive.

It would be great if everybody had the money to evacuate. If everybody had a car, the ability to pay for hotel rooms. If the elderly and disabled were able to walk or drive out, but with the poverty level of the New Orleans area it just couldn't happen.

I guess I'm through. I just had to vent. I'm disabled and stayed in the Daytona area through four hurricanes. Nothing near as bad as Katrina. But at one point the roof blew off the apartment above mine, and water poured through the ceiling. I lived in the apartment for a month as repairs were made. I empathize with those who were not able to evacuate, and this just made me angry.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 02, 2005

IDIOT!! National Guard assets cannot CANNOT be used until a disaster has been declared, the governor mobilizes the in state units and if needed requests National Guard assets from other states.

Federal Troops CANNOT be used until the Governor requests federal assistance.
You blow hot air out of your 4th point of contact when you are clueless to anything but your infantile hatred for Bush. You have declared the National Guard a failure when their part of the mission has just began. Yes, there have been failures in the system, and yes, they need to be addressed, but those failures were at the local level, not the federal level. Once again you show that micromanagement is the only leadership style you understand. What a poor shadow that casts on you.


I guess your own stupidity is Bush's fault too!!!!
on Sep 02, 2005
What I'm waiting for next is the complaints about how much MREs suck, or that the food that does get delivered is cold... Blah blah blah.
on Sep 02, 2005
I want to clear up an error in my original post. I was talking about the incidents happening at the Superdome, when it was actually the convention center in New Orleans.

Well, I've calmed down a bit. I'm still heart-broken over the gross failure on so many levels of the relief effort. But, we are seeing some help starting to reach the people that need it. I don't want to get into the name calling, or baiting that I see on many of the blogs. I was just angry and frustrated and looking for a way to vent.

I hear the "Too Little, Too Late" tag being used a lot on the news now. I think all of us on this board have a tendency to to generalize about groups to easily. Not all of the refugees were looters, not all of the looters shot at at those trying to help, not all of any group there fit into a neat little descriptive box. There are many things wrong in New Orleans on what the people stuck there have done. There are many things wrong on how the local, state, and federal government have responded to the catastrophe. I think over time, some of the most hearting stories will come from how people helped each other. The news industry's tendency towards sensationalizing things has overshadowed many of those types of stories.

The bottom line of my post was... if you go four days without food and water, normally good people will do desperate things to survive. It does not justify violence or lawlessness, it only explains it to a degree. Most people will do anything to survive.
on Sep 02, 2005
The President has the authority to declare a national emergency that allows him to federalize the National Guard and use active military.

What part of there aren't any active duty military going spare don't you get? Do you think that it's just a bottomless pit of personnel?

Again, I ask: what have YOU done?

Not that I really want to jump into this fight--but some people are being deployed. I know someone in the Navy and he got the call this morning. On Sunday, he leaves for NO for up to six months.
on Sep 02, 2005
I have done nothing but give blood. It is all that I can do. What have you done? I wish that I could do more, but my financial situation doesn't allow for it. I'm not asking for any sympathy. Those impacted by the storm need it far more than I.

I have numerous health problems. Even though I work a full time job at a major University, and have health insurance about 45% to 50% of my net income goes to doctors and for the 18 prescription medicines I need to live. I'm one of those who have to balance buying food versus buying medicine. I don't look to the government to bail me out. I don't get any state or federal assistance, and I don't ask for it.

Do you feel better now that you asked twice and got an answer?
on Sep 02, 2005
NetBadger: The yellow highlighting of the text in Shadesofgrey's comment (#25) indicates that it is a quote from another blogger. In this case, it is a quote by dharmagrl, and the question you've answered is being asked of COL Gene.
on Sep 03, 2005
NetBadger, Texas Wahine, dabe, love your avatars. Was also discussing this a bit with mom sitting on balcony without helping either, while at skinbase beautiful wallpaper was released depicting commemorative painting showing horse carriages on peaceful night etc., I told mom to differentiate what government should change in long term thinking from how fast we can do what to help now. Don´t think it is that easy. Definately power reserves, additional independent power suppliers and generators should be mandatory. Like European mountain countries, power cables should be underneath the streets, not on lines and posts hurricanes total, because the PUMPING system is more worth stabilizing than at any hospital for thousands to be sure they can survive a bit better. For death penalty, some U. S. states had separate power generators of their own for the electric chair because no private company want to be seen supplying for that. But thousands can die in 3 U. S. states, fine. Or be endangered. This is not just a Bush mistake, a long tradition, maybe. My info is not that perfect. Current or past governments refused to sign treaty to stop using fckw, as germans say, still increasing ozon problem. Even if the planet stopped doing that completely, we need 25 years to have less floods, tsunamis, quakes & twisters.

All of this is long term. Short term, I think many people are working hard but not to blame. Any dutchman prefers living in a house boat and saving more neighbors to living in death valley like places. Don´t know the correct full context and truth, sounded like some were forced to live there. Which sorta moved me. In a wheelchair, I can vote, blog, communicate, u donated blood. What else? If you are not rich. Seems ridiculous some extent was not minimized here as to severity of damage by outruling in the first place. Wonder how rich the country is. Cording to my info, at least Bush whom I do not generally favorize unless comparing to worse people rather fastly approved of some payments at least getting possible.

He should be on vacation a bit less sometimes though, caring more about demonstrating soldiers wives. Would not like to be president meself though. Sure you would know more about this New Orleans topic than me. What I like is you are not out for points and write good technical articles bout computer related stuff too and seem versatile, I think. Dont know u long. Good luck. ParaTed2k, Im a fan of yours. Maybe you are so close with Col Gene it does not matter, no matter how right you are, with your expressivity could you not have told him off using a different language code? Skinbase is overpolite for reasons I understand, you have to read between the lines. This is awesome here, a real rant thread where things like that are not always taken too personal. Still on an important current topic.
on Sep 04, 2005

If we had moved military assets when we knew the storm was comming we could have had MASH units, MP's Supply and the manpower needed the day after the storm in that area. We could have had ships moving behind the storm to provide emergency medical, supply and evac. All it took was a President that was effective not someone that is always looking for a photo op! We knew this was a big powerful storm days before it hit. We also knew the potential danger in that area and did nothing.

Now we will need the Billions we have spent in Iraq to rebuild that area. It is time to provide the needed revenue by restoring tax rates on the upper income Americans. It will not come from donations, George!

You "stiil" don't get it do you? And you avoid the subject when I bring it up! I know all you know how to do is bash Bush. But you really should think first before you engage your mouth! The "state AND local" people knew what was coming and THEY knew that they would not be able to respond appropiately. Why then did they not call for help at that time from the US government? They KNEW ahead of time that this would be a catagory 5 storm! They also knew that the levies were only built to handle a catagory 3 storm. Also FYI for Bush to "declare" a state of emergency first the state thereof must exsist! That means that "state AND local" government must say, "well we can't handle this problem". THEN and only then can the president "declare a state of emergency" and jump in the middle of it!
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